PIX From Switzerland

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I had to reduce the quality of these pictures, or they took forever to load, so some of them look a bit fuzzy 0717 I believe this is the City of Zurich? It rained almost the whole time we were there. 0718  view of Lake Zurich from Observation tower at Restaurant
0719 0720  Restaurant roof, Who takes pictures of a restaurant roof?  OK, we were up in an observation tower above the restaurant. 0721 I think this town is Rapperswill
0722 0723 looking at Zurich at night 0724  Almost same as 0718, but at night
0725 at Train station leaving restaurant. there were 16 of us altogether. 0727  From Opposite side of Lake Zurich looking toward the restaurant. look closly and you can see the observation tower on top of the hill 0728
0729 0730  forgot the name of this town, but the date on that clock tower says 1732 0731
0732   then there has got to be a Starbuck 0735 0736
0737 0740  View of Alps, different lake. 0741
0742 0743 0744
0745 0748 0749
0750 0751 0752